Grade- Level Specific #NGSSchat Opportunities
#NGSSchat provides support to deepen participant understanding of the #NGSS that can then be leveraged to implement the standards to transform teaching and learning. A primary goal of this chat has been to provide opportunities for learning and sharing through conversation around the vision captured in the Framework for K12 Science Education “that students, over multiple years of school, actively engage in science and engineering practices and apply crosscutting concepts to deepen their understanding of each field’s disciplinary core ideas”
The #NGSSchat PLN is excited about providing a forum to continue those K12 conversations around the research-grounded NGSS and Framework to improve science teaching and learning.
We are also excited to launch a new series of grade-level specific chats during the hour leading up to#NGSSchat.
Mary Starr @starrscience and Kathy Renfrew @KRScienceLady have launched and elementary NGSS chat #elNGSSchat . This chat focuses on K – 5 #NGSS discussions and takes place from 8 – 9 ET on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month prior to #NGSSchat.
Grade-level chats for Middle School and High School educators and those that support them will begin on October 15 at 8:30 PM ET. These chats will last 30 minutes and take place on the 3rd Thursday of the month just before #NGSSchat. The Middle School chat will use the hashtag #msNGSSchat and the High School chat will use the hashtag #hsNGSSchat .
These grade-level chats will provide opportunities for more specific and personalized discussions around the #NGSS as well as a rich network of support for implementation.
Please join us!
The #NGSSchat PLN is excited about providing a forum to continue those K12 conversations around the research-grounded NGSS and Framework to improve science teaching and learning.
We are also excited to launch a new series of grade-level specific chats during the hour leading up to#NGSSchat.
Mary Starr @starrscience and Kathy Renfrew @KRScienceLady have launched and elementary NGSS chat #elNGSSchat . This chat focuses on K – 5 #NGSS discussions and takes place from 8 – 9 ET on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month prior to #NGSSchat.
Grade-level chats for Middle School and High School educators and those that support them will begin on October 15 at 8:30 PM ET. These chats will last 30 minutes and take place on the 3rd Thursday of the month just before #NGSSchat. The Middle School chat will use the hashtag #msNGSSchat and the High School chat will use the hashtag #hsNGSSchat .
These grade-level chats will provide opportunities for more specific and personalized discussions around the #NGSS as well as a rich network of support for implementation.
Please join us!